Sunday 17 March 2013


Represenatation is what we see in the film- the way certain types of information are conveyed to the audience. It is the literal representation of the real world... (genders, social groups, age, origin, job, culture, race etc.) or not the real world. An example can be a Madonna concert. If you have ever been to a concert before then you would know that it is way louder at a concert especially of someone like Madonna's popularity. Straigh away we notice that the sound of the audience has been either faded a little or definetly turned down as Madonna's voice is very clear to the audience watching it online.

Representation done by the media is never, ever one hundred per cent accurate. Actually many times it's not accurate at all. Let's take someone from the audience put them in front of a lap top at home and make them watch this video online.. They are most likely going to say, 'Wait a minute, the sound wasn't tak clear at the concert when I was there. And the level of noise made by the audience was tremendous- What's going on?' This happens with exactly everything. A report in the news focusing on how teenagers are becoming violent and not respecting anyone 'blah, blah' with a stereotypically seen girl- a 'chav' in the foreground- will definatley make us think she's bad. But what's being omitted here is what most of the teenagers do that is GOOD. Therefore sometimes if not always representations prove to be stereotypical. I wanted to focus on women and the different roles they have been represented in..


'Salt' is one of Angelina Jolies mostly knows movies. It is an action and crime film, which shows the total opposite side to women. I believe it took the audience by surprise that women can be so trained and become such high and proffesional agents, it is only the movie of course but it makes us think whether there are women like this out there and I believe there are. This is exactly what representation is. It makes us judge and think upon what we see before us. But of course, naturally we think that women can't do such things and that what this film represents may be seen az absurd to some- although I disagree.


On the other hand a very stereotypical, but in very many cases true, was the representation of Becky in Kidulthood. A cheap, straight yet complicated girl, some may see her as a 'prostitute'(nice way of putting it) because she has sex for money and to get drugs. The representation of this girl by the way she dressed, the way she acted- which was very violent in most cases, and the way she talked is just another stereotypical way of portraying and representing the types of teenagers in todays societies.. Although again, not all teenager are like that but this is what the representation in this film creates.. The feel that most teens are like that. 

Representation... a way to represent, change views, but not all is bad- to also show the reality...

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